Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sayonara, Popcorn Ceiling

Mikey finished removing the popcorn ceiling texture from the living room and kitchen areas. I am humbled by his willingness to do this wretched job to completion. Dang if he isn't a li'l  ol' human bulldog.

That's half of a fan box he's using as a hawk, with finger holes punched in to keep his hand from cramping, and scraping with a 4" or 5" spackling knife.

Most, but not all, of the stuff falls onto the hawk, and then he tips it into a trash can and does the next section.

Corners require more attention and spraying.

Sometimes this happens, but it's not too bad to fix.

It is amazing how much cleaner the room looks without all those little shadows on the ceiling doing their best imitation of dirt.

Next: Pale blue paint for everything!

The Front Door's New Color

The front door had this weird shaded area on it. We couldn't figure out if it was sun damage or a failed spray paint attempt, but it had to go.

It is sort of window shaped, so I guess it's sun damage. It faces west.

Now it is the happiest front door for miles! And it makes the house paint look really dirty.

From a distance, it almost fluoresces.

Gawd, but I do love a good yellow.